feedback from men
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    Murat, 43 y.o.

    Evlilik için hazır olduğumu biliyorum ve eşimi arıyorum bu sitenin çok yararlı olacağını sanıyorum detaylı ve açıklamalı bir site.
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    Vecdi, 49 y.o.

    şu anda tanışma ve anlaşma aşamasındayız hayırlısı diyelim ama sitenizi beğeniyorum
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    Pepe, 47 y.o.

    Gracias, la distancia es el problemas pero trabajais muy bien, y las mujeres encantadoras. Gracias de nuevo.
  • Married

    Curt, 43 y.o.
    USA,Puyallup, WA

    I got married to someone on this site. the girls here are great. And I'm happy I found my wife here.
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    Pip, 66 y.o.
    New Zealand,Invercargill

    I do read the sentiments shown via others on this site,think the past is the past and make it work for us because in reality it has bought us here to this site that in itself is a plus+ +and more enlighten site,admit it is my sole one and a modicum of addictionas it is infectious .
    Iam indeed 64 and short in stature ,most replies are very honest and touch the heart strings ,and do add that some of the clients are taller - younger -dare mention it out -right charming and beautiful -and do say Rsn women are well educated .

    So were is this heading well do love ladies my own age ,dont have an ego for younger women no offense ,admit there are a
    few things that remain urksuim ,do avoid really good looking women ,& beeps of vanity & no less high maintenance ,not always and guess explicit shots showing of their attributes,but to much of that type of exposure attracts the wrong type of attention ,its the smile every time no matter what attire the lady has its infectious ,yes there are some stunners but sorry no smile --onwards , also the syndrome of being in love with the idea of ‘’being in love ‘’ . I do try and answer as a gentleman as to wishing them all the best in there future endeavors ,i think this manners and balance and only fair no matter what.
    There is an attrition rate and slowly spins over time its nature--it is not how you want it be ,but just how it is ,started with rather stringent ideals after time i dont mind and try not to judge very difficult or cast aspersions .
    But made a friend whom indeed dosnt reside in rsa it is sometimes its not ‘’whats said'' -just be yourself -relax - and if someone has to say its right or wrong -missed the point says he mentioning this & that and the other ha cough wheeze chuckle -its advice only -& not telling anyone ,
    Some of you lovely ladies indeed take one whom one is- not what they are -- and there are some truly lovely beings via this site ,admit i have been duped but helped me move on & that can only be good thanks for reading perusing this prattle and one bumbles on with the aid of a wee wet nosed being with four legs [dog] cannot extol the virtues of this site enough
    Bless you one & all
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    Patrick, 48 y.o.

    Très bon site, j'ai effectivement trouvé ma partenaire.... Un grand merci !!!! Mais je ne souhaite pas communiquer à ce sujet :) Merci de votre compréhension ....
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    Francesco, 61 y.o.

    molto bene. grazie
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    Honka, 52 y.o.

    olen löytänyt
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    Adam, 49 y.o.
    New Zealand,Christchurch

    Excellent site, I was on here for one month and found my true love we are now working together away from this site,which helped us find each other. I wish everyone on this site the best of luck in finding there love.
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    Josh , 35 y.o.
    USA,Salt Lake City, UT

    This is a good site to meet that special someone.
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    Marc, 36 y.o.
    USA,San Diego, CA


    Victoria, 23 y.o.
    Russia,St. Petersburg

    Now it seems like only yesterday that I got a wink from a beautiful, adventurous young woman on this website. As we got to know each other through little messages and video chat, we both realized that something special was happening. Remarkably, we were able to meet not long after, and our love blossomed into full flower. I don't think either of us expected a magical success like this, but dreams do come true. Thank you!
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    Tony, 43 y.o.
    United Arab Emirates,Dubai

    thank you , i found my love :)
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    Filippo, 47 y.o.

    ho trovato una persona speciale per me.
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    Derek, 44 y.o.


    Olga, 37 y.o.

    I would like to Thank everyone at this dating site for all their support and assistance throughout my membership.
    I have been blessed to meet someone special on this site. We exchanged communications for some time and then one day we finally came face to face.
    True love can be found if we search for it.
    Always remember that distance and language is never an obstacle if you really want to follow your heart.
    I followed my heart...and found what I was looking for :) :) Thank You and Good Luck to one and all. Irishenigma
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    Bosse, 51 y.o.

    This site was very good
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    Sami, 45 y.o.


    Anna, 36 y.o.
    Ukraine, Mykolayiv

    bjr .charmante demoiselle Ou Madme !
    J'ai fait couler beaucoup d'ancre dans l'espoir de te décrire mais aucune plume aucun ancre n'a réussi a décrire ta beauté d'astre t'es la fille que tous les mecs du monde rêvent d'avoir comme femme, tas tout l expression du visage ton regard meme si cest qu une photo il va rester longtemps dans ma tête crois moi pour moi c’est un plaisir de visiter enfin un"profil féminin" qui a quelque chose a dire!!! au-delà de tes charmes exceptionnels et évidents, tu es une femme qui a dans les yeux toute la bonté, la sensibilité et l'intelligence du coeur que l'on puisse jamais rêver avec un visage étincelant, tu es une Princesse, si j'étais peintre je ferai un super portrait,ton visage exprime la douceur, tu me donne une seul envie: celle de m'envolée avec toi au fond des étoiles, Oh tu es tu es trop belle...!!!!!!!!!! bref tes la fille mignonne par exellence qui sort du lot.... j'ai même pas de mots pour la définir. Je sais plus quoi dire à part: " ah la la comment tu mas tué !"
    je suis un technicien en agronomie domaine ( agriculture + aviculture )plus je ne suis pas marié je travaille à l'université des hydro carbure en Algérie (kabyle / berber )mes loisirs je suis très calme , solitaire , et très tranquille , j'aime les voyages ,la nature , la pêche , la restauration ,la lecture ravie en chanter .
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    Max, 45 y.o.
    United Arab Emirates,Dubai

    I have found someone
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    Maik, 44 y.o.

    Ja ich hab hier jemanden gefunden.
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    Emanuele, 37 y.o.

    Ho trovato l'amore. Grazie! Spero che andrà tutto bene. Sincerità, fiducia e coraggio. L'amore esiste, basta avere pazienza.
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    Peter, 38 y.o.


    Elena, 35 y.o.

    I have met the love of my life, I am so happy. Elena contacted me, we started writing letters to each other, it was amazing how much we had in common, I fell deeply in love with her. I am coming to Russia in September to be with her, I know deep down that she is my soulmate and we will have a wonderful life together. I have never met someone who has such a kind heart, good nature and so loving. She makes me so happy.
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